trip indonesia now (east nusa tenggara)

Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

East Nusa Tenggara (Indonesian: Nusa Tenggara Timur) is a province of Indonesia. It is located in the eastern part of the Lesser Sunda Islands and includes West Timor. The provincial capital is Kupang in West Timor.
The province consists of about 566 islands, the largest and most dominant are Flores, Sumba, and the western half of Timor (i.e., West Timor). The eastern part of Timor is the independent country of East Timor. Other islands include Adonara, Alor, Komodo, Lembata (formerly called Lomblen), Menipo, Raijua, Rincah, Rote Island (the southernmost island in Indonesia), Savu, Semau, and Solor. The highest point in the province is Mount Mutis in the Timor Tengah Selatan district, 2,427 meters above sea level.[4]
East Nusa Tenggara is the only province in Indonesia where Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion.
Nusa Tenggara Timur, in Indonesian, means Eastern Southeastern Islands.

East Nusa Tenggara
Nusa Tenggara Timur


Location of East Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia
Coordinates: 10°11′S 123°35′ECoordinates: 10°11′S 123°35′E
Country Indonesia
Capital Kupang
 • Governor Frans Lebu Raya
 • Total 47,876 km2 (18,485 sq mi)
Population (2010)[1]
 • Total 4,679,316
 • Density 98/km2 (250/sq mi)
 • Ethnic groups Atoni, or Dawan (22%), Manggarai (15%), Sumba (12%), Belu (9%), Lamaholot (8%), Rote (5%), Lio (4%)[2]
 • Religion Roman Catholicism (55%), Protestantism (34%), Islam (8%), Other (3%)[3]
 • Languages Indonesian
Time zone CIT (UTC+8)


After the declaration of Indonesian independence in 1945, the eastern part of Indonesia declared the State of East Indonesia.[5] The state was further included in the United States of Indonesia as part of the agreement with the Dutch contained in the transfer its sovereignty to Indonesia in 1949.
In 1950, United States of Indonesia dissolved itself into a unitary state and began to divide its component area into provinces. In 1958, by Indonesian law (Undang-Undang) No. 64/1958, three provinces were established in the Lesser Sunda Islands, namely Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara.[6] The area of East Nusa Tenggara province included the western part of Timor island, Flores, Sumba and other several small islands in the region. The province was sub-divided into twelve regencies and the City of Kupang, which had regency-level status.[7]
Following the fall of Suharto regime in 1998 and the passage of a new regional autonomy law, there was a dramatic proliferation ( known as pemekaran in Indonesia) of regional governments across Indonesia (at both provincial and regency level). Several new regencies were created in East Nusa Tenggara by the division of existing regencies:
Therefore, as of early 2013, there were twenty-one regencies plus the one autonomous city (Kupang) in the province.
Closer look to the islands of East Nusa Tenggara
The areas and Census populations of the 21 Regencies (and Kupang City) are tabulated below:
Name Est. Statute Area
2010 Census
West Manggarai Regency
(Manggarai Barat)
(includes Komodo and Rinca)
2003 UU 8/2003 2,947 206,367 221,430 Labuan Bajo
Manggarai Regency 1958 UU 69/1958 1,687 512,065 292,037 Ruteng
East Manggarai Regency
(Manggarai Timur)
2007 UU 36/2007 2,502 included in
252,754 Borong
Ngada Regency 1958 UU 69/1958 1,621 133,406 142,254 Bajawa
Nagekeo Regency 2007 UU 2/2007 1,417 124,992 129,956 Mbay
Ende Regency 1958 UU 69/1958 2,047 238,127 260,428 Ende
Sikka Regency 1958 UU 69/1958 1,732 278,628 300,301 Maumere
East Flores Regency
(Flores Timur)
(includes Adonara and Solor)
1958 UU 69/1958 1,813 234,076 232,312 Larantuka
Lembata Regency
1999 UU 52/1999 1,267 106,312 117,638 Lewoleba
Alor Regency
(Alor Archipelago)
1958 UU 69/1958 2,865 180,487 190,253 Kalabahi
Northern (Flores) group

19,897 2,014,460 2,138,363
West Sumba Regency
(Sumba Barat)
1958 UU 69/1958 737 106,524 111,023 Waikabubak
East Sumba Regency
(Sumba Timur)
1958 UU 69/1958 7,000 228,351 227,835 Waingapu
Central Sumba Regency
(Sumba Tengah)
2007 UU 3/2007 1,869 60,173 62,510 Waibakul
Southwest Sumba Regency
(Sumba Barat Daya)
2007 UU 16/2007 1,445 261,211 283,818 Tambolaka
Southwestern (Sumba) group

11,052 656,259 685,186
Sabu Raijua Regency Oct.

461 included in
Kupang Regency
72,960 West Savu
Rote Ndao Regency 2002 UU 9/2002 1,280 114,236 119,711 Baa
Kupang City

160 292,922 335,585 Kupang
Kupang Regency 1958 UU 69/1958 5,437 383,896 303,998 Oelmasi
South Central Timor Regency
(Timor Tengah Selatan)
1958 UU 69/1958 3,947 417,942 440,470 Soe
North Central Timor Regency
(Timor Tengah Utara)
1958 UU 69/1958 2,670 213,153 229,603 Kefamenanu
Belu Regency 1958 UU 69/1958 2,446 441,451 352,400 Atambua
Malaka Regency Dec.

included in
Belu Regency
included in
Belu Regency
included in
Belu Regency
Southeastern (Timor) group

16,401 1,863,600 1,854,767
Maps of regencies (kabupaten)
Further details of each regency (kabupaten) are provided by the NTT provincial government in a useful set of maps.
Governors of the Province
  • Brigjen J. Lala Mentik (1960–1965)
  • El Tari (1966–1978)
  • Brigjen Ben Mboi (1978–1988)
  • Hendrik Fernandez (1988–1993)
  • Brigjen Herman Musakabe (1993–1998)
  • Piet Alexander Tallo (1998–2008)
  • Frans Lebu Raya (2008–present)


The population of the province was estimated to be 4,683,800 in 2010[12] The religious mix is atypical of Indonesia with around 90% Christian (majority Catholic, but with a large Protestant population), 8% Muslim, 0.6% Hindu or Buddhist, and 0.4% holding traditional beliefs. East Nusa Tenggara has become a refuge for Indonesian Christians fleeing from conflict in Maluku and Irian Jaya[citation needed].
The secondary school enrolment rate of 39% is dramatically below the Indonesian average (80% in 2003/04, according to UNESCO). Lack of clean drinking water, sanitation, and health facilities mean that child malnutrition (32%) and child mortality (71 per 1000) are higher than in most of the rest of Indonesia.[13] Maternal and infant mortality are high partly because of poor access to health facilities in isolated rural areas.[14] Malaria is a significant problem in parts of the province with the result that the rate of infant mortality caused by malaria, in recent years, as been the highest across Indonesia.[15]
Historical population
Year Pop.   ±%  
1971 2,295,287 —    
1980 2,737,166 +19.3%
1990 3,268,644 +19.4%
1995 3,577,472 +9.4%
2000 3,952,279 +10.5%
2010 4,683,827 +18.5%
Source: Badan Pusat Statistik 2010


By several economic indicators, the provincial economy is weaker than the Indonesian average with high inflation (15%), unemployment (30%) and interest rates (22-24%), making it one of the poorest province in Indonesia.
Borassus flabellifer
Asian palmyra palm, sugar palm
Scientific classification
A main part of the economic activity in the province is subsistence agriculture. Important local crops include corn and some smallholder plantation crops such as coffee. In some places such as Sumba, the lontar palm (Borassus flabellifer) dominates local agricultural activities and is a very important part of the local economy.[16] In these areas, the lontar palm provides timber and thatching as well as food in the form of fruits, and palm sugar which is obtained by tapping the fruit stems. The sugary sap can be used to make alcoholic drinks. In other parts of the province such as West Manggarai, the sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) has a useful role in the local economy.[17] The degree of mechanisation in agriculture is low. Large animals (buffaloes, horses) are widely used throughout the province.[18]
Natural resource sector
A significant part of the economic activity in the province involves the development of natural resources, including forestry and numerous local mining ventures. Some of the activity is controversial, however, because regulatory controls over the use of natural resources are not always effective. There have been disputes in some areas over the use of land. Manganese mining, for example, in the central part of the island of Timor has been controversial.[19] Nearby, in the Mount Mutis area to the east of Kupang, amongst some local groups there is concern at the way local resources are being developed by mining companies.[20]
There is also significant activity in the informal mining sector. Across the province, villagers will sometimes exploit localised opportunities to undertake unregulated mining or mineral-based projects. In West Timor, for example, in the South Central Timor Regency, villagers living near the south coast in the Kolbano area south of the town of Soe sometimes collect coloured stones which, in turn, are sold to companies which export the stones to countries such as Australia, China, Malaysia, Singapore, and elsewhere.[21]
The provincial government aims to promote tourism.[22] There are various interesting locations in different parts of the province.[23] The basic infrastructure to support the tourist sector (such as transport facilities, accommodation, and adequate and reliable information) needs to be strengthened but several main features of the tourist sector in the province include:[24]
Various local community groups in different parts of the province work to promote the local tourist industry although, as yet, many of these activities are still somewhat underdeveloped and need strengthening.[26]
Malaria is a significant problem in some parts of the province. Tourists should take appropriate cautionary measures.

Growth and development

Levels of poverty in the province compared with other parts are Indonesia are relatively high. In 2010, 23% of the population were classified as poor (using very modest poverty lines of around $25 and $17 per person per month for urban and rural areas respectively) compared to the all-Indonesia average of 13.3%[27] The numbers of street children in the province, for example, are relatively high.[28] Localised food shortages are common.[29] Around 50% of the children in the province suffer from stunting.[30] The challenges of promoting development and lifting living standards in a rather isolated area of Indonesia such as NTT are considerable. Main problems of development include the following:
  • Differences in living standards between urban and rural areas are large; rural poverty is widespread.[31]
  • Agriculture is underdeveloped with little use of modern technology or capital, and poor access to markets
  • Deforestation, which exacerbates problems of water management and access to water in the province[32]
  • Infrastructure in the province is underdeveloped. Roads are often poor, especially in rural areas. There is relatively little electricity throughout NTT; electricity use in 2010 was at the very low level of around 90 kWh per capita compared to the all-Indonesia around 630 kWh (and often over 10,000 kWh per capita in the main OECD countries).
  • Access to water in a major problem. The province is dry for much of the year and in rural areas many of the villages must rely on unreliable and untreated local springs and other sources for water supplies.[33] The percentage of households relying on spring water was around 40% in 2010, the highest for any province in Indonesia and well above the all-Indonesia average of 14%.[34] Water shortages are thus a major local social and political issue in the province.[35]
  • Local education and medical facilities are poor and neglected. Although the numbers of schools and local medical clinics are adequate compared to other parts of Indonesia, the quality of services provided in these institutions is often poor.
  • Resources available to the provincial and regency governments are very limited so it is difficult for local governments to improve the supply of public services.

Well-known figures

Well-known Indonesian figures from the province include the following:
  • Izaak Huru Doko, an independence fighter who organised resistance against the Dutch NICA (Netherlands-Indies Civil Administration) in the 1940s[36]
  • Wilhelmus Zakaria Yohannes, regarded as the first Indonesian radiologist in Indonesia. The W.Z Johannes hospital in Kupang is named after him.[37]
  • Frans Seda, a politician and finance minister (1966–1968) of Indonesia
  • Adrianus Mooy, an economist who was governor of Bank Indonesia (1988–1993) and Executive Director of ESCAP
  • Dr Nafsiah Mboi-Walinono, Minister of Health and a medical doctor who has played an active role in public affairs in Indonesia involving women's' issues and AIDs sufferers[38]
  • Herman Johannes, scientist, government minister, and Rektor of Gadjah Mada University (1961–1966)

Information about the province

Useful sources of detailed information about the province (mainly in Indonesian) are the following:
  • The local Kupang newspaper Pos Kupang provides local news coverage of many provincial events.

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